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Utimate Guide On ” How to Easily Embed Video in WordPress”

Every day, on internet millions and billions of people, watch videos online. There are a huge number of people in the different niche who choose to watch videos. A video better demonstrates things better.

It also assists us to stand apart as well as differentiate your blog from others competitors in the same niche. So, I think to make your blogpost popular you have to embed video in Wordpress.

And that's the reason why you want to include video content on your WordPress website. If your blog or website has been lacking traffic and you are wondering of ways to boost traffic, site visitors, then video content is an effective way to do so-  by starting a youtube channel and posting regular videos.

By posting videos on a platform like YouTube, you will be grabbing high traffic from their search engines, not only this your videos will start coming in the top search results for search terms related to it.

However, using YouTube videos on your blog is quite challenging. If you find it difficult to add videos on your blog or want help finding out the best and simple way to do so, then our guide is for you.

No doubt, YouTube is considered as the most popular video provider worldwide. many of us don't know how to embed video in WordPress in our blog. So for those, we have made content on guiding you on how to embed video in WordPress.

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Starting with the simplest method on " How to embed video in wordpress"

This is the simplest way to embed video in Wordpress:

Just follow the below steps:

Open the video on YouTube you want to add on your blog,  Now you can see the video.

From the video, Check below the video and you can see like and dislike button, just next to dislike button, you can see the share button. Click on the share button.

Now, you can see a new popup opens up, in that click on embed.

Now, on the right-hand side, you see the iframe code just copy the URL and paste it into your blog post.

As you paste the URL, URL will turn into a video.  You can also use the in-built WordPress embed code if you want to alter the video size.

"How to embed video in WordPress" Another simple but long method:

Wordpress makes it too simple to embed YouTube video using the video URL, However, in another case, you have to customize the video, let's learn that way.

Follow the below steps:

Open YouTube, Search for a video you want to add on your blog. Open that video, now click on the share button, now don't copy the URL, just click on the tab named " Embed".  As you click on the Embed tab, copy the code.

Get back to your WordPress dashboard, open up your blog and embed a video in WordPress. Make sure to paste the code in the " Visual tab". You're done! Now your video will display in your post.

Besides YouTube, There are other sites too

Do you know, there are other Video Providers too that WordPress supports. There are not few, there is a whopping amount of site that Wordpress supports auto embedding for. 

You just suppose to add a bare URL into the post, and WordPress automatically embed a video for you.

Not only this, but WordPress also supports embedding for other media like music, documents, and slideshows. Wordpress supported sites for auto embedding are:

  • Cloudup

  • DailyMotion

  • College

  • Humor

  • Animoto

  • FunnyOrDie

  • Issuu

  • PollDaddy

  • Reddit

  • SlideShare

  • Spotify

  • ReverbNation

  • Twitter

  • Flickr

  • Hulu

  • Imgur

  • Scribd

  • Instagram

  • Tumblr

  • Spotify

  • Speaker Deck

  • iSnare

  • VideoPress

  • Vimeo

  • SoundCloud

  • Vine

  • TED

  • SmugMug

In case, you want to share a video from the site that's not mentioned in the above list, you can still be able to embed that video using WordPress's very useful feature " Auto Embed".

Open the video you want to add into your blog, copy the video URL and paste it into the place you want it to be. If this doesn't work, check the video provider website for a button to embed or share the video.  you will be provided with a code to add into your blog.

If not, then there are few options for Wordpress Plugins mentioned below that might help.


Why embedding is a better option than hosting your own video?

You may think if you are creating a video on your own, then why not post it simply, instead of posting on Youtube. As you know WordPress made it too simple to embed video, slideshows, and other media. Still Hosting your own created video is not a good idea for several websites.

When you share any video on your website, you must wish that the audience be able to go through it reliably and easily. However, there are numbers of hosts that don't offer plenty of bandwidth and storage to support hosting videos.

 And this results in your site audience not watching your video at all.

So, it would be great if you use a site that can stream your video smoothly and easily to your site audience.

Uploading videos from a platform like Vimeo or YouTube will assist you to reach to wider audience and new people and spread the word about your blog.

Top WordPress video embed plugins

Easy Video Player

Easy video player is one of the user-friendly and best WordPress video plugins to embed video in WordPress. With the use of this plugin, you can embed video code both videos or self-hosted videos that are hosted externally using direct links. It also lets you choose options like a loop, autoplay, etc.

Video Gallery WordPress Plugin

If responsiveness and customization are the main priorities for a video on your website, then search no more as Video Gallery Plugin will offer excellent help. It's a popular WordPress plugin that let you add a video on your website which is touch-enabled and responsive to offer a great experience, especially for mobile users.

 Advanced Responsive video embedder

If you are looking for a video plugin that comes with some amazing features that let you do other tasks also. Advanced Responsive video embedder is the solution.  It let you embed video in WordPress to match your site theme. It supports auto-embed for several video providers.  One Can also set a custom aspect ratio, alignment, and width.


Embedly is another popular WordPress video plugin that let you upload videos from different multimedia providers, such as Google Maps, Gfycat, and many more. It also lets you add social media buttons and let you customize the display or style of your videos.


YouTube plugin is a very useful plugin that assists you showcase videos on your site. If you just want to focus on showcasing Videos on your website, then this is the best plugin you need.

It comes packed with amazing features which not only assist you to show youtube videos but also offer you high control over it.


YouTubeR is a  very useful WordPress video plugin. but it's not free, you have to pay to use its amazing features. It has the ability to post videos to YouTube straight from your WordPress dashboard.  Through this plugin, you can also create widgets, galleries, etc.

Video improves your content and brings weight to your site. Although you can post videos by simply embed video in WordPress, as we have explained different ways to embed YouTube or any other site videos and also a number of Wordpress plugins to do so, let's give a try!

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