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Must Know About These 9 Fastest “WordPress Hosting” Providers

Whether you have a new WordPress blog or pondering yo build a robust online presence of your existing business,  the site's speed is among the most important factors you must be focused about.

Using fewer plugins, fastest WordPress hosting, optimized images are small and important factors to keep your sire delivers the best results.

While these factors matters, however selecting the best hosting is the most important one. And if you're a beginner, then choosing the best and trustworthy hosting can be a troublesome task.

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Let's know why speed is important?

website audience expects the sits to load under 3-5 seconds. If the site takes too much time or can say more than the expected time, they'd prefer to move to the next website.

And the best hosting provider will be your pick to manage and develop your content in an amazing way. but a wrong choice could not only destroy your site performance but can also slow down the control panel.

A fast, robust and trusted hosting service will make your site visitors feel good and comfortable as they move throughout your site.  a fast web hosting can give a boost to your business revenue.

Factors to consider:

Size of your audience

Many business owners might neglect this fact, however, the size of your audience makes a huge difference in your website's performance. So in a web hosting, heck for the amount of site audience it can manage.  it is very important to know how many site audience your web host server, and whether is it going to manage that growth or not.

Before finalizing, any web host checks online different online forums.  It will give you an idea of how much traffic that the host can handle in reality.

If the host guarantees "unlimited space" it's not true. So, make sure to read out the fine print under the user's agreement.

Usually, a huge spike in web traffic will definitely slow down your site especially if its hosting on shared hosting.  And in case, the spike is big enough, your website may go down completely.

Server Location

Usually, business owners often overlooked this factor. But, when looking for the fastest WordPress hosting, make sure to look at the location to make sure your site functions better.

It's a good decision to choose a location near to the Geological location of your site visitors.

Means, don't choose hosting of your site on a server that is destined on the opposite side from your audience.

Fastest hosting providers


Siteground is one of the most popular WordPress hosts that manages to combine great support, fast page load times and managed WordPress features into one affordable package.

If your budget is low and you're a beginner, then Siteground is the best choice for you under this list.  It's the best web host that comes under your low budget.

SiteGrounds comes with SSD drives with each hosting plan. SSD stands for Solid State Drive technology, offers the site a boost of input and output through 1000 times double as compared with regular devices.

The host also uses a server named, NGINX that was made to boost up the load time of the static content of websites that are hosted by SiteGrounds.

Subscribers with Cloud and shared plans get the server includes, and dedicated server subscribers plan access NGINX as a performance booster.

They offer three standard plans starting from $3.95, $5.95, to $11.95 per month, which make it a very competitive hosting solution.


WP engine is another best WoWordPress hosting. Their hosting offers robust and fast servers that can manage anything.  Your site is practically secure from hackers, and their round the clock customer support makes you feel you made the right choice this host.

They offer daily backups, security backups, automatic caching, one-click restoration, one-click staging area, top-tier security and much. Wp Engine has an expert team to support you anytime.

Brands like SoundCloud, Four Square, HTC, Balsamiq and many other popular brands use WPEngine for their hosting.

If you are new to the technical side and don't want to get stuck in any technical issue, then WPEngine is the best solution for you. They offer super-fast servers, strong customer support, great technical support.  Their infrastructure is made in a way to ensure Wp site functions smoothly.


Inmotion, one of the most known shared hosts with an affordable budget. InMotion works best on three big fields of support, speed, and most important uptime, They too offer some amazing additional features which make your experience enjoyable and easier.  This host has been an amazing business brand with outstanding performance for business class hosting. With 99.9% uptime and technical support, they are among the most used webmasters.


Bluehost is among the best hosting providers as of its reasonable hosting plans with amazing uptime and loading speed guarantee. the main thing which separates this hosting provider apart from the crowd is the manner they manage their web servers. Also, their hosting packages come with a high uptime guarantee.


Pagely is a premium Managed hosting platform that can offer amazing hosting for your site. If you are looking for reliability, performance along with speed then this hosting won't leave you disappointed.

It comes with CDN integration, patented PressCache, SPDY support as well as some exclusive features like automatic updates, free website migration service, and daily backups. The starting package starts at $99 per month and offers you several perks.


Flywheel offers solid performance, fast speeds, as well as high support required to keep your website running without any issue. Not only this, Flywheel makes it simple to build a site through its one-click staging features and free demo websites.

This hosting is built on a strong network infrastructure speed, security and scale optimized. It comes with in-built caching, automatic WordPress updates, SSL support, CDN integration, and many more.


WPX Hosting is one of the top hosting services that experts in the fastest hosting speeds. The basic plan begins at $24.99 month, which may be quite pricey for a few users however this plan covers hosting for around five websites.

WPX Hosting will maintain a daily back up of your website. For high protection, the files after the backup are kept on a separate server and are stored for 14 days.


Hostgator allows you to create websites with their own website builder. their website builder comes with around 100 templates and a big image library. Hostgator is an easy and affordable hosting provider. you can even build a site using their one-click wp installation.

Its features include a user-friendly control panel that assists you to control your site, unmetered bandwidth, high uptime guarantee, SSL certification, round the clock support, free sire transfer, live chat and many more.


This host is best for those who are new to WordPress. It offers one-click installation, They hate downtime as much you, and they can do anytime to ensure all the customer's sites have the 99.9% uptime for their sites. they also offer a user-friendly control panel.

How to choose the fastest WordPress hosting for you:

Finalize the host company

Check out the web host companies we have mentioned in our list. Compare each company plans they offer. look out the attractive features offered by the companies. get detailed information about their offers. At last, check your budget, which company suits your budget.

Server Location, the closer the better

After you finalized a hosting company, you should cross-check their available server locations. it is very important to choose the server location, which is very close to your audience's location. This is one of the most important as it offers you high performance.

After you choose which company host server is closer and offers you all your requirements, now choose one of the plans that fit your budget, your goals, and your audience.

There are a bunch of companies that guarantee to offer quality hostings as per your needs. But not all able to prove themselves. It's quite difficult choosing the fastest WordPress hosting company for your website. Make sure before choosing any hosting company, know your business goals and budget very well so that you can choose the right company as per that.

Our Best Recommendation

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